The geoelectric sounding
have been carried out at the hot spring Desa Marga Mukti, Pangalengan, Kabupaten
Bandung Selatan. The geoelectric sounding has been done into 2 (two ) sounding way ,
first to do geoelectric sounding 1-D with electrode arrangement of
Schlumberger. The second geoelectric sounding was the resistivity 2-D with
electrode arrangement Wenner-Schlumberger on the same line. The results of the both
sounding was the values of resistivity 2-D lower than the resistivity 1-D. the area is covered by the rock unit which is contained water bearing formation . Those water
bearing formation partly influent on the heating rocks or hot fluid, so the
water bearing formation divided into saturated rock with fresh water and hot
water. The value of the hot water is between 0.32 ohm-m to 7.29 ohm-m. It is caused that the hot fluid or heating rocks having water temperature increase
and the resistivity of fluid is
decreases. This is caused the lower viscosity and higher mobility of ions, so
the resistivity value became lower. The resistivity of hot fluid was between 0.1 ohm-m to 10.0 ohm-m.
Generally ,the geothermal system in Indonesia is a
hydrothermal system with high temperature ( > 2250 C) and on the several
places have low temperature (1500-2250C ). The
hydrothermal system created by results of heating movement from the sources to surrounding areas with the
conduction and convection heat current. The movement hot fluid with conduction through
rocks, however the movement hot fluid with convection current caused contact between the fresh water and hot fluid.
The indication of hydrothermal system in
underground could be seen from geothermal surface manifestation, such as hot water or hot water spring, mud pools
water and geyser. The geothermal manifestation on the surface is assumed the
transmission of hot movement from the underground or existed of fractures , which is hot fluid
flew to the surface.
Geoelectric sounding could be carried out to
know contrast distribution of resistivity of fresh water and hot fluid water.
The consideration of the geoelectric sounding as described belows :
DC Resistivity method has
proved to be a useful tool in the exploration geothermal. Water dominated
geothermal systems usually have a lower resistivity than the surroundings colder rocks, whereas vapor dominated systems may be characterized by high resistivity.
The resistivity of rocks is controlled by severals parameters , which will be
deal with the following section.
1.1.1. The texture and porosity of the rocks.
In general dry , coarse
crystalline rocks have a high resistivity, but fine grained clays, highly
vesicular and altered rocks as well as alteration products show a low
resistivity. Usually the water has a lower resistivity then the rock matrix itself and is the dominant factor in the resistivity of the rock as a whole. This correlation can be expressed by
Archie’ Law ( Keller and Frischknecht, 1966 ) :
a . ρw . φ-m ( 1 )
where ;
ρ = the bulk measured resistivity of water
saturated rock
ρw = the
resistivity of water filling the pores ;
φ = the fractional amount of porosity in
corrosion with the total volume;
a = a constant which is less than 1 for inter granular
porosity and higher than 1.
m = the
cementing factor which varies from 1.2 or unconsolidated sediment to 3.5
for crystalline rocks;
As first approximation the
values a = 1 and m = 2 are used.
Equation ( 1 ) indicates that
ratio ρ/ ρw higher is a
constant for given porosity . This relation can be expressed by the formula :
F = a . . φ-n ( 2 )
where F is formation factor.
1.1.2. The Salinity of the Water
The salinity of the water ( liquid ) present in
the pore space of the rock effects the resistivity of the bulk rock. We can
look upon the water as an electrolyte. The conductivity of an electrolyte
solution can be expressed by :
O = 1/ρ= F (C1 . m1
C2 . m2 + C3
.m3 ......) (3 )
where m1 = mobility of moving ion
C1 = concentration of
F = Faraday number ( 96500 Coulombs )
The concept of an equivalent
salinity is usually used in explaining the resistivity of groundwater. The
equivalent salinity of solution is defined as the salinity of a NaCl solution
having the same resistivity as a solution containing various salts.
The advantage of using
equivalent salinity is that only one table ( or graph ) for a single salt is
needed to determine the resistivity of a solution. The curves showing the
relation ship between the resistivity and the salinity of NaCl solutions at
various temperatures are shown in Fig. 1.
The figure 1 shows that
there is an element linaer relationship between the salinity and the
conductivity of electrolyte solutions. For t = 00 C the relation
between the salinity of the resistivity can be determined by the equation ρ =
0.211 x C – 0.937 where the resistivity (ρ ) is in ohm-meters and C in mol ( 1
mol = 58450 ppm )
Figure 1. The relationship
between the resistivity of a NaCl solution and the salinity of the electrolytic
solution of the different temperature ( Keller and Frischknecht, 1966 )
1.1.3. The temperature
By increasing the temperature of the fluid he
resistivity of it decreases. This is caused by the lower viscosity an a higher
mobility of ions. The relationship between temperature band resistivity of
water bearing rocks is sometimes expressed by this equation (Keller and
Frischknecht, 1966 ).
=------------ (
4 )
1 + α ( t – t0 )
where :
ρ0 = the resistivity of the rocks at a given referencevtemperature in ohm-m
t0 = the reference temperture in 0
α = the temperature
coefficient of resistivity which has
value near 0.025
1.1.4. Partially saturated rocks
The bulk resistivity of water bearing rock is
reduced if the rocks are partially filled with electrolyte and the rest by oil,
air or steam ( Keller and Frischknecht, 1966 ). This relationship is shown by :
= ρ0 * Sw –n ; Sw > Swc (
5 )
ρ = is th bulk resistivity of a partially
saturated rock.
ρ0 = the resistivity of the same rock if it is saturated.
Sw = is the fraction of the total
pore volume filled with electrolyte.
n = a parameter which is determined experimentally
and has a value of approximately 2.
1.1.5. Water rock interaction
The Archie’s Law is only valid for conducting
solutions with ρw equal or less than about 5 ohm-meter, For higher
values of resistivity the bulk
conductivity of the rock can be expressed by the formula :
cb = 1/F cw
, c5 ( 6 )
= formation factor
= bulk of conductivity of rock
cS = interface
cw = the water
The conductivity cs is affected by fluid-matrix interaction and depends more on the size of internal
surfaces and on the formation factor than on the original chemical composition.
The two main reasons for this interface conductivity are ionization of clay
minerals, formed by hydrothermal alteration and surface double layer conduction
(Keller and Frieschknecht, 1966 ).
The result of water rocks
interaction in that the resistivity of saturated rock can not exceed some
fairly low value determined by the interaction effect.
2.2.1. Theory Electricity
The principle of resistivity
survey is to inject electric current through 2 ( two ) electrode current ( ∆ I )
, so there is influence the differences of a pair inner potential electrode ( ∆
V). If we knows the differences current
and potential , so we can get the resistance ( R ) from OHM LAW :
R = (∆ V)/(∆ I) in ohm. ( 7 )
If the electric current through the homogeneous of a pieces of bar , so the
value R depend on the long of bar ( L ) and the area of bar ( A ).
R = L / A (ohm-m) (
8 )
The equation above has the fixed value
in unit of ohm-m. To know the resistivity of material the equation
became :
r = AV/ L I ( ohm-m) or r = K R (
9 )
where K= A./L is the geometric
factor, which is depend on the position of the current electrode and potential
elcctrod. The geometric factor are
different from the each of electrodes arrangement as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. The geometric factor from
various electrode arrangements.
The geometric factor for electrode arrangement Of WENNER is K = 2pa and r = 2pa R in unit ohm-m, where a or L
is the distance of electrode WENNER.
In electrode arrangement of SCHLUMBERGER m the geometric factor as
follows :
K = 2 p/(1/AM – 1/AN) – (1/BM – 1/BN)
K = p{(AB)2 – (MN)2 } ,
where AB=current electrode and
MN=electrode pot.
4 MN
ρ = KR = p{(AB)2 – (MN)2 } R
4 MN
Figure 4. The electrode arranggement of
In the SCHLUMBERGER method the electrode potential is fixed and will
be change at certain distances. The maximum distance of AB/2 is not more than
5 x
2.2.2. The Relationship of Resistivity and Geology
Resistivity surveys give a
picture of the subsurface resistivity distribution. To convert the resistivity
picture into a geological picture, some knowledge of typical resistivity values
for different types of subsurface materials of the area surveyed, of these
rocks is greatly dependent is important.
Table 1 gives the resistivity
values of common rocks, soil materials
and chemicals (Keller and Frischnecht 1966, Daniels and Alberty 1966 ).
Igneous and metamorphic rocks typically have resistivity values. The
resistivity of these rocks is greatly dependent on the degree of fracturing, and
the percentage filled with ground water. Sedimentary rocks which usually are
more porous and have a higher content, normally have lower resistivity values.
Wet soills and fresh ground water have even lower resistivity values. Clayey
soil normally has a lower resistivity value than sandy soil. However, note the
overlap in the resistivity values of different classes of rocks and soils. This is because the resistivity of
a particular rock or soil sample depend on a number of factor such as porosity,
the degreeof the watter saturation and the consentration of dissolved salt.
1. Resistivity of some common rocks, mineral and chemical ( Keller and
Frischnecht 1966 , Daniels and Alberty 1966 )
Igneous and Metamorphic Rock
-. Granite
-. Basalt
_. Slate
-. Marble
-. Quarzite
5 X 103 - 106
103 – 106
6x102 – 4x107
102 - 2.5 x 108
102 – 2x108
10-6- 2x10-4
10-6- 10-3
2,5 x10-8 – 1,7
4 x 10-9 – 10-2
5 x 10-9 – 10-2
Sedimentary Rocks
-. Sandston
-. Limestone
8 – 4x 103
20 – 2x103
50 – 4x103
2,5 x 10-4 –
5.10-4 – 0,05
2,5 x 10-3 –
Soils and Water
-. Clay
-. Alluvium
-. Groundwater (fresh)
-. Sea Water
1 – 100
10 – 800
10 –100
0,01 – 1
1,25 x10-3 –
0,01 – 0,1
-. Iron (Fe)
-. 0,01 M Potassium
-.0,01 M Sodium chloride
-.0,01 M acetic acid
-. Xylene
9,07x 10-8
6,998 x 1016
1,102 x107
1,429 x 10-17
The resistivity of ground
water varies from 10 to 100 ohm-mm
depending on the concentration of dissolved salt. Note the low resistivity (
about 0.2 ohm-m of the sea water due to
the relatively high salt content. The value of resistivity related to the rock
type and water quality shown on Figure 5.
Generally, the hot water is came from the fresh water , which is
through heating from underground or from heating of magma. The hot fluid
from magma transmit through fracture of
base rocks.The heating of magma or rocks is boiled the fresh water become hot
water, which estimated resistivity from 0.1 ohm-m to less than 10 ohm-m., which
is depend of temperature water.
Figure 5. Relationship
value of resistivity with groundwater quality ( salty, brackish and fresh ) and
rocks types (Flathe H.,1979).
2.2.3.The Conventional
Resistivity or Resistivity 1 D ( one Dimension )
The conventional resistivity
or resistivity 1 D has its origin in the 1920’s due to the work of the
Schlumberger brothers. At the same time, in USA
Wenner had introduced the electrode arrangement of Wenner.
The measured apparent
resistivity values are normally plotted on a log-log graph paper and data
interpreted using matching curves. It is assumed that the subsurface
consists of horizontal layers. In this
case ,the subsurface resistivity changes only with depth,but does not change in
the horizontal direction, as shown in Figure 6.
The software for data
interpretation have been made by several
institution such as VESPC, RESINT 53, GRIVEL, IP2Win and RES 1D.
Figure 6. The electrode arrangement and
datum points in the resistivity 1-D.
2.2.4. The Unconventional Resistivity or
Resistivity 2 ( 2 dimension )
The greatest limitation of the resistivity
sounding method is that does not take into account horizontal changes in the
subsurface resistivity. A more accurate model of the subsurface is a
two-dimensional ( 2-D) model where the resistivity changes in the vertical
direction, as well as in the horizontal direction along the survey line. In
this case , it is assumed that resistivity does not change in the direction
that is perpendicular to the survey line. In many situation, particularly
for survey over elongated geological bodies, this is a reasonable assumption.
Typical 1-D resistivity sounding surveys usually involve about 10 to 20
readings, while 2-D imaging survey involve 100 to 1000 measurements.
The arrangement of electrode and the result of measurement
shown on that we call the datum point. The figure 6 show the electrode
arrangement and datum point in resistivity 2-D.
Figure 7. The electrode arrangement and datum
points in resistivity 2-D.
The interpretation of data resistivity 2-D will be
used the software RES2DINV. The RES2DINV has been introduced by Dr. H.M. Loke
in 1997, 1999, 2000.
3..1. General.
Geoelectric soundings has been carried out in hot spring area of Desa
Marga Mukti , Kecamatan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung Selatan. The hot spring
is one of the geothermal field in the areas. Currently ,the hot spring have
been used for bathing for villagers. The hot spring is closed to the geothermal
area which is located about 5 km at the western of G. Wayang.
Geothermal is meant that a total heat contained and collected in the
earth to build geothermal system since the existed of the earth. The geothermal system is similar to
hydrothermal system, that is heating of groundwater or water collected in the
under ground. The heating of water or geothermal system have several condition
such us existing of water, hot rocks , permeable aquifer with high porosity and the cap rocks to prevent of heat from the
The geoelectric sounding carried out at the site into resistivity 1-D
with the electrode array of Schlumberger and resistivity 2-D with
Wenner-Schlumberger array with a = 10 m and the total electrode 50.
The location of the geoelectric sounding shown in Figure 8 The results
of the resistivity 1-D and 2-D shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12.
Figure 8. The Scheme of g3oelectric soundings at tge hot spring of Desa Marga Mukti.
3.2. Topography
and Geology
The location
of sounding located on the elevation 1500 m
on the western of G, Wayang ( 2182m ). The area is surroundings of mountain area such as G.
Malabar ( 2321 m ) , G. Guha ( 2391 m ) and G. Windu ( 2054 m ). The main river flows from the south to the north and
joined with Citarum River at Nagreg.
The area shown on the
Geological Map of Indonesia Sheet Garut an Pameungpeuk , Java scale 1 :
100.000. Geological description and geological condition have been done by
M.Alzwar,et al (1992 ). According to M, Alzwar at all ( 1992 ) the oldest
rocks in this geological sheet is Benteng
Formation in Upper Miocene in age.
Afterward the formation was un conformable with the younger rock
formation. Than the rock unit covered with the youngest formation up to covered
by Quaternary Rocks Formation.
The investigation area
is covered with Undifferentiated Efflata Deposits of Young Volcanic (Qopu),
which is consist of volcanic ash,
lapilli, sandy tuf and blocks andesite-basalt , laharic breccia and efflata.
The hydrogeological map
of area indicated that groundwater condition have intermediate aquifer with
wide distribution and the estimated discharge 10 l/sec. (Soetrisno S, 1983 ).
The geological and the
hydrological map are shown in Figure 8
and Figure 9
Figure 9. The
Geological Map of Garut and Pameungpeuk, Jawa( M.Alzwar et
all. 1992 )
Figure 10. The Hydrogeological Map of Sheet V Bandung ( Soetrisno S,
1983 }
3.3. Results of Geoelectric
3.3.1. Resistivity 1-D Schlumberger Array
field data has been plotted to double log paper and run the data with using
IP2Win. The data interpreted that the layer of resistivity existed for 4 to 6
layer at each sounding point. The result of running data was compare to the
geological condition. Afterward, the resistivity 1-D section have been made
through sounding point R 01, R 02 , R 03 , R 04 and R 05. The section of resistivity
1-D is shown on Figure 11.
layers of resistivity had been group into 4 (four) layers. The first layer is
value of resistivity from 1.60 ohm-m,54.57 ohm-m and 106 ohm-m and 989 ohm-m
and interpreted as clay soil, sandy soil with boulder of rocks. The thickness
of layer estimated 1 m to 2 m. The second layer is sandstone or volcanic sand
with resistivity 24 ohm-m and 169 ohm-m with depth of 10 m to 40 m. The layer
was divide into upper part and lower part separated with sand contained hot
water. The third layer is sand or volcanic sand contained hot water with value
of resistivity 4.09 ohm-m to 13.8 ohm-m. The four layer is the values of
resistivity 700 ohm-m to 2715 ohm-m its interpreted as the volcanic rocks or
base rock (see Figure 11 ).
Figure 11. The geology section of Resistivity 1-D electrode arrangement of SCHLUMBERGER AB/2 = 300 m.
Resistivity 2-D Wenner-Schlumberger Array
The result of resistivity 2-D is devided into 4 (four ) layer of resistivity. The first layer clay soil, sandy soil and boulders. the with the
value of resistivity 34,6 ohm-m, 163 ohm-m and 774 ohm-m. The thickness of
layer estimated 1 m to 2 m.The second layer is volcanic sand or sandstone with
the resistivity of 34.5 ohm-m to 163 ohm-m. The third layer located on the second
layer indicated of hot water and inclusion of boulders. The sand of hot water
has the value of resistivity 0.32 ohm-m to 7.3 ohm-m. Underneath of sandstone
of second layer located the volcanic rock or base rock with the value of
resistivity of 774 ohm-m to 17.000 ohm-m.
The distribution of layer resistivity shown on Figure 12.
12. The Pseudosection of Resistivity 2-D Wenner - Schlumberger with a=10 m and
Electrode 50,
The area of geoelectric sounding covered by Undiferentiated Efflata
Deposites of Young Volcanic ( Qopu ). The rock unit consists of volcanic ash,
and lapili, sandy tuff, breccia of andesite-basalt, laharic breccia and efflata
G. Wayang and its surroundings existed the 5 (five ) hot springs. One of the
hot water has been used by PT. Pertamina – LEMIGAS, which it located on the
foot of the hill of G.Wayang.
Generally, all of hot spring located on the stucture faulting. Its
ration able, because the hot water flows through the faulting upward to the
ground surfaces. It is also indicated that underneath of formation ( Qopu )
located fresh water bearing formation and the heating rocks underneath. That is
approved that fresh water as shown on the hydrogeological map , that the
discharge less than 10 l/sec.
On the site . there is existed hot spring which is indicated that the
hot spring on the water bearing formation. The formation have been influent of
faulting, so the hot water under pressure and reaches the ground surface. The
water bearing formation on the area divided into 2 ( two ) conditions. Firstly, the water
bearing formation on the heating rock will be changed of value of resistivity
from 0.32 ohm-m to 7.3 ohm-m. The changed value of resistivity because the
temperature high and viscosity of water low
and high of the ions mobility. However, on the other place the value of
resistivity more than 34.5 ohm-m, it is indicated that the heating does not
reach the formation. The heating rocks
have the value of resistivity of 700 ohm- to 17.000 ohm-m and interpreted as
the base rock.
Figure 11 and Figure 12 shown that water bearing formation on the middle of the section. However, the water
bearing formation at 2 ( two ) places had been change to low resistivity, because
of influency of heating rocks. The thickness
of hot water laying on the depth of 10 m to 60
The further of investigation is to explore the hot water of the
area. Tt is recommended to drill on the
sounding point with various depth, as follow
1. Sounding point of R 01 with depth of 30 m. to
50 m.
2. Sounding point of R 02 with depth of 50 m to 100
3. Sounding point of R 03 with depth of 40 m to 50
4. Sounding point of R 04 with depth of 50 m.
5. Sounding point of R 05 with depth of 50 m to 60
The area of survey and its surroundings is covered of Undiferentiated Efflata Deposits of Young Volcanics ( Qypu ).
This rock unit contained water bearing formation ( confined aquifer ) with the
resistivity 24 ohm-m to 163 ohm-m. The water bearing formation was influent of
hot fluid or heating rock at certain places and the resistivity become lower
than origin. The value of resistivity 2-D was became 0.32 ohm-m to 7.00 ohm-m,
its lower than resistivity 1-D was 4.09 ohm-m to 13.8 ohm-m. The decrease of value of resistivity is caused
the high temperature increase and a lower the viscosity and a high mobility of
The exploration drilling should be done on the
sounding points at the certain depth to exploit of the hot water.
It is recommended to make survey of geochemical
of the hot spring and to measure hot water temperature.
It is recommended to construct the water
collector, so the advantaged of hot water will be used soon.
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